Monday, February 23, 2015


Well, still not hungry but it's only been a day with reduced water consumption, so I'll give it time.


I made a smoothie with all my leftover fruit and greens. Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, almonds, and spinach with dates to sweeten it:

Not hungry for lunch or my snack, but I made dinner to go. We went to a friend's birthday party, so I juiced dinner and brought it with me. Sorry, no pic. It had apples, celery, lemon, cucumbers and kale. It filled two 32 oz bottles. Unfortunately one of them had the cap partially open and nearly the whole bottle spilled into my backpack! Crap!

1,500 points for my house.

On the upside I saw a lot of people who hadn't seen me in months. Their jaws were on the floor! They all said they couldn't believe how good I looked, and not just the weight loss. They said my face looked brighter, happier. They saw me on my crutches (most had never seen me out of my wheelchair) and couldn't believe how well I was moving around. I told them all about my diet and two wanted to sign up! I showed them Jinjee's article about me (for those who haven't read it you can find it at ). They were very surprised at my weight loss and the affect of the diet on my pain. One of them is going to recommend the diet to a friend with M.S.

I can't wait to see friends at the Renaissance Faire in April who haven't seen me in a year when I weighed 190! I hope to be down to 150 by then, but I'm shooting for 145. 130 is my goal weight.

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