Monday, February 23, 2015


Still not hungry. I juiced all my leftover grapefruits for breakfast:

Lunch was another big salad, kale with my favorite dressing with a twist. Usually it's just hemp seeds and nutritional yeast, but I added lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to make it less powdery and more dressing like:

Exercise was 45 mins on the hand cycle and a new record of 5.31 miles! Yay! It felt great, I can feel my arms getting stronger. I'm really building up arm muscle and no longer have those old lady "jiggle" arms :)

2,000 points for my house.

Still no appetite, don't know why, my pain level is still low. Weird. I'm going to start drinking less water, maybe I'm not hungry because my stomach is still always full of water. My minimum is 90 oz a day, usually more. So as of today I'm setting a cap of 64 oz. And I'll see if that works. Contrary to popular opinion, eating so little is a bad thing. Your body freaks out, thinks you're starving, and holds onto fat. So I gotta get eating so I can lose as much weight as possible.

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