Monday, January 5, 2015


Feeling better, able to make all my meals today. Breakfast was my fav, OJ!

Lunch was a new recipe, Almond Avocado Mousse. Sounds gross, right? It was awesome! It had soaked almonds, raw, organic cocoa powder (more on that later), avocado, mint and a strawberry. Mix into a mouse and it was chocolate heaven!! Like dessert for lunch :)

Now the recipe called for carob powder. There is a debate amongst vegans about carob vs. chocolate, mostly due to the caffeine. Personally, I am on the cacao side. One, it just tastes better. Two, the recipe called for one tablespoon. I don't know how much caffeine is in one tablespoon, but it wasn't enough to affect me. Three, I think the positives, nutrient-wise outweigh the negatives. To each his own, read up and go with with what you are comfortable with. If you want the delicious, amazing recipe, sight up for the cleanse at

Dinner was a Kale Salad. Kale, with vinegar, salt, hemp seeds, nutritional yeast, cumin, coriander (the spice, not the fresh herb), and olive oil. It was surprisingly good. I was a little worried about all the spices and just kale without any other greens, but this is another recipe I'll be holding onto. Along with the mousse!


I exercised today, 33 min. on my hand cycle. I'm getting faster, and going further. Yay me!

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